protect the art at all costs

1993 - 2016

Terrence McCrary, Jr. was a crucial part of our lives, and a fundamental piece in our collective, Le Vanguard.  His ideas, dedication, and passion for the arts + music scene, and his attitude of 'Fuck it, Let's do this!',  was what really got us going.

From planning our first show and building up the warehouse, to scheming new ideas and fine-tuning the rest of the parties we had. Terrence had ideas, man. His art and aesthetic for fashion + just cool shit will keep fueling us as we try to navigate this cruel ass world in the name of BAD GUYS™,  meaning
 'Being Absolutely Different'™

We are really gonna miss this fool-- Tee really had visions, and we plan on seeing them through. Fuck guns though, seriously.  There is a whole lot of work to be done with our youth. Time to get started.

Rest in Peace TMACK  . . .  We Fucking Love You.
May your honesty, energy and light continue to guide us. 

Le Vanguard ©  2015-2020